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| Jul 18, 2018
Baked goods can most often be associated with celebrations. Whether it is for a large party or even a small gathering of friends, everyone looks for quality food. A few of the main factors that contribute to obtaining the best and most consistent baked goods are the ingredients, the equipment and of course, the right timing. It is a well-known fact that even a small variation in time or temperature can have drastic results when baking.
The food processing and industrial baking industries operate on the same principle, but on a much larger scale. The equipment that industrial bakers rely on must be accurate, all the time. Like baking goods at home, the equipment used to produce baked goods in an industrial setting includes mixers, ovens, and fryers.
The quantity of ingredients that are involved in baking goods, creates potential loss of resources in the event of a mechanical error in timing. Profits, downtime and safety are at risk when the baking equipment lacks a reliable and accurate timer. If implemented correctly, industrial timers will allow food processing applications to run smoothly by delivering accurate, reliable results every time, ensuring that there’s never a breakdown in machine operations
That’s why industrial bakers and food manufacturers turn to Eagle Signal for their large oven, mixer, and fryer applications. Timers enable machine operators to consistently measure ingredients and precisely monitor oven processes and baking times. In doing so, they prevent material waste, scrap, and the time and labor involved in reproduction. Machine operators also gain the ability to multi-task with repeatability and repetition that they find with an Eagle Signal timer.
Eagle Signal offers timers that range from multi-function to handset, and everything between. Eagle Signal timers are designed to provide user-friendly and accurate time and process control of oven baking time. Ensure that your baked goods deliver the anticipated reaction, no matter the occasion, with Eagle Signal timers.