Variable Transformers provide excellent power regulation withnegligible variation in output voltage from no-load tofull-load current. They provide a simple, rugged method ofcontrolling electrical voltage, current and power.
Automatic Voltage Regulators protect your equipment bystabilizing the voltage, even when the input voltage andsystem load vary widely. The Limited Range coil design allowsfor substantially higher current and power ratings withoutincreasing unit size or weight.
All dimmers are continuously adjustable transformers thatregulate light intensity by controlling the voltage applied tothe lamps. Producing any desired lighting intensity fromcomplete darkness to full brightness.
STABILINE® Surge Protective Devices provide surge protectionagainst harmful transient voltage and high-frequency noisethat exceed the nominal operating voltage of AC and DCcritical dedicated control loads.
5-WAY® BINDING POST CONNECTORS and SUPERCON® ElectricConnectors offer amp ratings from 15- 250. There is anelectrical connector to meet the needs of your panel board.
Automatic Bus Transfer Switches monitor the three-phase, 440VAC, 60 Hz voltage of two input sources to insure they arewithin specification.